Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Bad Breath

BAD BREATH is a major turn off and can also be one of the biggest dreads for some people. This embarrassing problem is caused by bacteria which dwell on your tongue and in other parts of your mouth.

1. Chew Mint Leaves

Mint leaves are one of the best natural remedies to combat bad breath. Mint refreshes your mouth and gives off a pleasing smell. Chlorophyll present in leaves also absorbs odours and leaves you with a refreshing breath.

2. Gargle with Salt Water

Rinsing and gargling with salt water can clear bacteria as well as food particles and debris on which the bacteria feed on. Put one teaspoon of salt in lukewarm water and swirl the mixture until the salt dissolves completely. Gargling with this mixture will also help you keep a healthy mouth.

3. Brush with Baking Soda

Baking soda contains hydrogen peroxide which neutralized the acid present in your mouth. Acids make for a favourable environment for bacteria growth in your mouth. Simply wet you toothbrush and sprinkle some baking soda over it to brush your teeth.

4. Eat Apples

Apples are often called as nature’s toothbrush as they are known to eliminate many kinds of bacteria in your mouth that can cause bad breath. Be sure to chew well on your apples while eating them.

5. Binge on Yogurt

Yogurt can help you to get rid of bread breath permanently. Consume yogurt regularly up to a period of six weeks to effectively combat bad breath.

6. Go Vitamin-C

Vitamin-C rich foods can help you to combat bacteria build up in your mouth as well as other diseases like gingivitis. Lemons, oranges and carrots are some of the foods that are high in Vitamin C.

7. Drink More Water

Bacteria thrive better if your mouth is dry. Staying hydrated will help your body to regulate all biochemical process and get rid of waste and other toxins. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to get rid of bad breath.

8. Chew on Neem

Neem has powerful antibacterial and antifungal properties. If you can endure its bad taste, you can permanently eliminate all signs of bad breath by chewing on neem leaves.

9. Chew on Cardamom

If neem leaves are too bitter for you, then you can also chew on cardamom which is quite pleasing to chew. Cardamom also helps in eliminating bad breath from your mouth.
There are numerous remedies for bad breath but not each one of them suits everybody. It is best to try out each to find the one which suits you the best. Though bad breath is an intermittent problem, it can be easily prevented by inculcating a few simple habits.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012



You do everything to extreme i.e. don't like leaving unfinished business. You are high-spirited and ardent natured person. You are also very emotional and henceforth you are ferocious while dealing with both the sides of coin, be it love or hatred. This next to fanatical behavior in you can also be seen in that highly exhilarating free-spirited movement of yours which is only possible as you are full of electrified energy. You would also like to fly like a free bird.


Rats have a charming personality. They are usually party-lovers and rather garrulous. Despite being an extrovert they do not easily open up to anyone. They are honest souls and conventional at heart.

Your personality:

Due to their hedonistic attitude towards life-"they'd love to make hay while the sun shines"! He can thus accomplish a great deal in a short time.
Though intelligent and instinctive once the Rat has made up his mind - it would be easier to move a mule than the Rat people!! A rat likes to organize his work and execute it immaculately. He will even be quite fussy over the quality of work. Therefore he may not be the ideal person to work with.
With money matters his duality surfaces. Though he may save like the pauper he'll spend like the king!!
Though complex in nature The Rat people make devoted and true parent, child, friend or lover.

Your weaknesses:

Domineering, critical, egoistic, nervous, erratic, miserly and solicitous.

Your strengths:

Loyal, kind, quick-witted, honest, talented, smart, sensual and affectionate.

Your favorites:
  • Color: Ochre
  • Birthstone: Emerald
  • Lucky #: 11
  • Favorite snack: Sweet bread with coriander chutney.
  • Your idea of relaxation: drinking claret while listening to Mozart!
Dating : in case you're WONDERING what sort of a person would be the best date for you -you may try the following :
  • The Ox if you want peace and security.
  • The Monkey if you want some fun out of life!
  • Try the Pig if you want to admire and be admired.
Whom to avoid:
  • You'll scoot to see the rabbit.
  • The Goat may not interest you.
  • Keep far away from the Horse.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Is Your Girlfriend Only Dating your Money?

Even if she isn't messing with "broke niggas", its the fact that the your relationship with her is, in fact, her relationship with your wallet. There's nothing wrong with having a girl you only sleep with, but if the L word comes into play, you need to know what you're dealing with.

This is how you spot a girl who's only after your money.
Your wealth suddenly put you in "league" with her, an
d while she wasn't even remotely interested in you, she's got a newfound love of low cleavage dresses when's around you. Further, she's never dated a regular, average income guy and hangs around with the swish-set.

She Spends It All on Pretty Things

Her credit card is maxed out on branded wear and perfumes, but she can't afford a decent cupboard to stock it all in (let alone a good apartment to live in).

She Needs Incentives

She uses sex to make you buy her fancy stuff. While she won't say "Give me fancy stuff if you want sex, dammit!", there's many subtle ways of doing this. It could be mentioning earrings during foreplay, or even withholding sex until you buy her expensive bling.

She Wants You to Spend Money

A picnic in the park or the VIP seats at the movie theater, and she nags you until you get the seats. She deletes plans that involve spending less and doing more, and will never, or rarely volunteer to pay her part of the bill.
She also never does anything for you - never cooks you a nice meal, run errands when you're busy or surprise you with an unexpected gift.

She Loves Money

Everyone does. But if your girlfriend is constantly fixated on the lives of rich people and their wealth, and considers materialistic things to be paramount to everything else, it's a sign that the above 4 tendencies will kick in.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Stuttering is a speech disorder in which sounds, syllables, or words are repeated or last longer than normal. These problems cause a break in the flow of speech (called disfluency). Symptoms: Stuttering may start with repeating... Causes, incidence, and risk factors
About 5% of children (1 out of every 20 children) aged 2 - 5 will develop some stuttering during their childhood. It may last for several weeks to several years.
For a small number of children (less than 1%), stuttering does not go away and it may get worse. This is called developmental stuttering, and it is the most common type of stuttering.
Stuttering tends to run in families. Genes that cause stuttering have been identified.
There is also evidence that stuttering may be a result of some brain injuries, such as stroke or traumatic brain injuries.
Stuttering may rarely be caused by emotional trauma (called psychogenic stuttering).
Stuttering is more common in boys than girls. It also tends to persist into adulthood more often in boys than in girls.


Stuttering may start with repeating consonants (k, g, t). If stuttering becomes worse, words and phrases are repeated.
Later, vocal spasms develop. There is a forced, almost explosive sound to speech. The person may appear to be struggling to speak.
Stressful social situations and anxiety can make symptoms worse.
Symptoms of stuttering may include:
  • Feeling frustrated when trying to communicate
  • Pausing or hesitating when starting or during sentences, phrases, or words, often with the lips together
  • Putting in (interjecting) extra sounds or words ("We went to the...uh...store")
  • Repeating sounds, words, parts of words, or phrases ("I want...I want my doll," "I...I see you," or "Ca-ca-ca-can")
  • Tension in the voice
  • Very long sounds within words ("I am Booooobbbby Jones" or "Llllllllike")
Other symptoms that might be seen with stuttering include:
  • Eye blinking
  • Jerking of the head or other body parts
  • Jaw jerking
Children with mild stuttering are often unaware of their stuttering. In more severe cases, children may be more aware. Facial movements, anxiety, and increased stuttering may occur when they are asked to speak.
Some people who stutter find that they don't stutter when they read aloud or sing.

Signs and tests

No testing is usually necessary. The diagnosis of stuttering may require consultation with a speech pathologist.


There is no one best treatment for stuttering. Most early cases are short-term and resolve on their own.
Speech therapy may be helpful if:
  • Stuttering has lasted more than 3 - 6 months, or the "blocked" speech lasts several seconds
  • The child appears to be struggling when stuttering, or is embarrassed
  • There is a family history of stuttering
Speech therapy can help make the speech more fluent or smooth, and can help the child feel better about the stuttering.
Parents are encouraged to:
  • Avoid expressing too much concern about the stuttering, which can actually make matters worse by making the child more self-conscious
  • Avoid stressful social situations whenever possible
  • Listen patiently to the child, make eye contact, don't interrupt, and show love and acceptance. Avoid finishing sentences for them.
  • Set aside time for talking
  • Talk openly about stuttering when the child brings it up, letting them know you understand their frustration
  • Talk with the speech therapist about when to gently correct the stuttering
Drug therapy has NOT been shown to be helpful for stuttering.
It is not clear whether electronic devices help with stuttering.
Self-help groups are often helpful for both the child and family.

Expectations (prognosis)

In most children who stutter, the phase passes and speech returns to normal within 3 or 4 years. Stuttering that begins after a child is 8 - 10 years old is more likely to last into adulthood.


Possible complications of stuttering include social problems caused by the fear of ridicule, which may make a child avoid speaking entirely.

Calling your health care provider

Call your provider if:
  • Stuttering is interfering with your child's school work or emotional development
  • The child seems anxious or embarrassed about speaking
  • The symptoms last for more than 3 - 6 months


There is no known way to prevent stuttering.
Stammering and stuttering have the same meaning - it is a speech disorder in which the person repeats or prolongs words, syllables or phrases. The person with a stutter (or stammer) may also stop during speech and make no sound for certain syllables. People who stutter often find that stress and fatigue make it harder for them to talk flowingly, as well as situations in which they become self-conscious about speaking, such as public speaking or teaching. Most people who stutter find that their problem eases if they are relaxed.

According to Medilexicon's medical dictionary, to stammer is "To hesitate in speech, halt, repeat, and mispronounce, by reason of embarrassment, agitation, unfamiliarity with the topic, or as yet unidentified physiologic causes. To mispronounce or transpose certain consonants in speech."

We all have the capacity to stutter if pushed far enough. This may happen during a very stressful interrogation in a police station, talking to emergency services on the telephone, or trying to respond to a particularly agile and aggressive lawyer while on the witness stand in court.
Famous people who stammered

Stammering does not reflect a person's intelligence or personality. Here is a list of famous people who stammer/stammered:
  • Aesop - Greek storyteller
  • Alan Turing - Computer science founder
  • Aneurin Bevan - Labour Party MP and Minister
  • Anthony Quinn - Actor (Zorba the Greek)
  • Aristotle - Philosopher
  • Arnold Bennett - British writer/journalist
  • Bruce Oldfield - British fashion designer
  • Carly Simon - Singer (You're so vain)
  • Charles Darwin - Scientist/Naturalist
  • Claudius Cesar - Roman Emperor.
  • Demosthenes - Greek orator
  • Sir Jonathan Miller - British theatre/opera director
  • Elizabeth Bowen - Author
  • Erasmus Darwin - Scientist/Doctor, grandfather of Charles Darwin
  • Field Marshall Lord Carver - British military leader/author
  • Gareth Gates - English pop star
  • George Washington - American President
  • Harvey Keitel - Actor (Life on Mars)
  • Isaac Newton - Scientist
  • Jack Harold Paar - US comedian & TV host
  • James Stewart - Actor (It's a wonderful life)
  • John Montague - Poet/Author
  • Joseph Priestley - Scientist (discovered oxygen)
  • Kenneth Tynan - British theatre critic, writer
  • Kim Philby - British double agent for the Soviets
  • King Charles I - England 1625-1649
  • King George VI - UK 1937-1952
  • Lenin - Russian revolutionary
  • Lewis Carroll - Author (Alice in Wonderland)
  • Louis II the Stammerer, King of France, 877-879
  • Marion Davies - Famous silent-movie actress
  • Michael Bentine - British comedian, script-writer and TV star
  • Michael Ramsey - Archbishop of Canterbury 1961-1974
  • Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra - Author
  • Nevil Shute (1900-1960) - Author
  • Philip Larkin - Poet, author, critic
  • Raymond Massey - Actor (High treason)
  • Richard Condon - Author
  • Robert Boyle (1627-1691) - Scientist
  • Robert Heinlein - Author
  • Rowan Atkinson - Actor (Mr. Bean)
  • Sam Neill - Actor (Jurassic Park)
  • Samuel L. Jackson - (Pulp Fiction)
  • Somerset Maugham - Author
  • Theodore Roosevelt - American President
  • Thomas Becket - Archbishop of Canterbury 1162-1170
  • Thomas Jefferson - American President
  • Walter H. Annenberg - Publisher, diplomat, philanthropist
  • John Updike - Author
  • Bill Withers - Singer, songwriter (Ain't no sunshine)
Stuttering is common when children are learning to speak. However, the majority of kids grow out of this stage of initial stuttering. For some, however, the problem persists and requires some kind of professional help, such as speech therapy. It is important that parents do not add to a child's stress by drawing too much attention to the problem when they are trying to communicate verbally. The calmer a child feels the less acute the symptoms tend to become.

What are the signs and symptoms of stuttering?

  • Problems starting a word, phrase or sentence
  • Hesitation before certain sounds have to be uttered
  • Repeating a sound, word or syllable
  • Certain speech sounds may be prolonged
  • Speech may come out in spurts
  • Words with certain sounds are substituted for others (circumlocution)
  • Rapid blinking (when trying to talk)
  • Trembling lips (when trying to talk)
  • Foot may tap (when trying to talk)
  • Trembling jaw (when trying to talk)
  • Face and/or upper body tighten up (when trying to talk)
  • Some may appear out of breath when talking
  • Interjection, such as "uhm" used more frequently before attempting to utter certain sounds

What causes stuttering?

Experts are not completely sure. We do know that somebody with a stutter is much more likely to have a close family member who also has one, compared to other people. The following factors may also trigger/cause stuttering:
  • Developmental stuttering - as children learn to speak they often stutter, especially early on when their speech and language skills are not developed enough to race along at the same speed as what they want to say. The majority of children experience fewer and fewer symptoms as this developmental stage progresses until they can speak flowingly.
  • b>Neurogenic stuttering - when the signals between the brain and speech nerves and muscles are not working properly. This may affect children, but may also affect adults after a stroke or some brain injury. In rare cases neurogenic stuttering results in lesions (abnormal tissue) in the motor speech area of the brain.
  • Psychological factors - it used to be believed that the main reasons for long-term stuttering were psychological. Fortunately, this is not the case anymore. Psychological factors may make stuttering worse for people who stutter, such as stress, embarrassment, etc., but they are not generally seen as underlying long-term factors. In other words, anxiety, low self-esteem, nervousness, and stress therefore do not cause stuttering per se. Rather, they are the result of living with a stigmatized speech problem which can sometimes make symptoms worse.

What are the risk factors?

  • Family history - approximately half of all children who have a stutter that persists beyond the developmental stage of language have a close family member who stutters. If a young child has a stutter and also a close family member who stutters, his/her chances of that stutter continuing are much greater.
  • Age when stutter starts - a child who starts stuttering before 3.5 years of age is less likely to be stuttering later on in life. The earlier the stuttering starts the less likely it is to continue long-term.
  • Time since stuttering started - about three-quarters of all young children who stutter will stop doing so with one or two years without speech therapy. The longer the stuttering continues the more likely it is that the problem will become long-term without professional help (and even with professional help).
  • Sex of the person - long-term stuttering is four times more common among boys than girls. Experts believe there may be neurological reasons for this, while others blame the way family members react to little boys' stuttering compared to little girls' stuttering. However, nobody is really sure what the reason is.

When to seek professional help

Experts say that parents should consider visiting their GP (general practitioner, primary care physician) when:
  • The child's stuttering has persisted for over six months
  • When the stuttering occurs more frequently
  • When it is accompanied with tightness of the facial and upper body muscles
  • When it interferes with the child's schoolwork
  • When it causes emotional difficulties, such as fear of places or situations
  • When it persists after the child is 5 years old

How is stuttering diagnosed?

Some aspects of stuttering are obvious to everyone, while others are not. To have a comprehensive and reliable diagnosis the patient should be examined by a well-qualified Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP).
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The SLP will note how many speech disfluencies the person produces in various situations, as well as the types of disfluencies. How the person copes with disfluencies will also be assessed, how the person reacts to such factors as teasing, which can exacerbate their problems. The SLP may perform some other assessments, such as speech rate and language skills - this will depend on the patient's age and history. The SLP will analyze all the data and determine whether there is a fluency disorder. If there is one, the SLP will determine to what extent the disorder affects the patient's ability to function and take part in daily activities.

It is vital to try to predict whether a young child's stutter will become long-term. This can be fairly accurately done with the help of a series of tests, observations and interviews. Predicting whether an older child or an adult is likely to have continued stuttering over the long-term is less important because most likely the problem has been around long enough for the person to seek help. Assessments for older children and adults are aimed at gauging the severity of the disorder, and what impact it has on the person's ability to communicate and function appropriately in daily activities.

What is the treatment for stuttering?

A good evaluation (diagnosis) is vital as this determines what the best treatment might be.

Treatments for people who stutter tend to be aimed at teaching the person skills, strategies, and behaviors that help oral communication. This may include:
  • Fluency shaping therapy
    • Controlling monitoring speech rate - this may involve practicing smooth, fluent speech at very slow speed, using short sentences and phrases. The person is taught to stretch vowels and consonants, while trying to secure continuous airflow. With practice the person gradually utters smooth speech at higher speed, and with longer sentences and phrases. Patients have higher long-term success rates if the sessions with the SLP are followed up regularly - this helps prevent relapses.
    • Breathing control - as the patient practices prolonged speech he/she also learns how to regulate breathing. Added to this is operant conditioning (controlling breathing, as well as phonation, and articulation (lips, jaw and tongue).
  • Stuttering modification therapy

    The aim here is to modify the stuttering so that it is easier and requires less of an effort, rather than eliminating it. This therapy works on the principle that if anxiety exacerbates stuttering, using easier stuttering with less avoidance and fear will alleviate the stuttering. Charles Van Riper developed Block Modification Therapy in 1973; it includes four stages:
    • Stage 1 (Identification) - the therapist and the patient identify the core behaviors, secondary behaviors, and feelings and attitudes that accompany the stuttering.
    • Stage 2 (Desensitization) - the patient freezes stuttering behavior in an attempt to reduce fear and anxiety - this involves confronting difficult sounds, words and situations (rather than avoiding them), and stuttering intentionally (voluntary stuttering).
    • Stage 3 (Modification) - the patient learns easy stuttering. He/she learns how to apply: a) 'cancellations' - stopping a dysfluency, pausing for a moment, and then repeating the word, b) 'pull-outs'- pulling out of a dysfluency into fluent speech, c) and 'preparatory sets' - anticipating words that cause stuttering and using 'easy stuttering' on those words.
    • Stage 4 (Stabilization) - the patient prepares practice assignments, makes preparatory sets and pull-outs automatic, and changes the way he/she sees himself/herself from being a stutterer to being a person who speaks fluently most of the time, but stutters mildly occasionally.
  • Electronic fluency devices

    Some patients have responded well to this type of treatment, while others have not. The patients hear their voice differently. Altered auditory feedback effect can be done by speaking in unison with another person (as groups of people do when they are praying or singing), and blocking out the stutterer's voice while talking - this is called masking. Some ear-pieces can echo the speaker's voice so that they feel they are talking in unison with someone else. Most stutterers can sing flowingly without stuttering - it seems that talking in unison with someone else often has the same effect as singing on a stutterer.

How to behave when you are talking with somebody who stutters 

People who are not used to talking to somebody with a stutter may be unsure about how to respond. This can make the listener to look away whenever the stutterer stutters, or try to help out by completing his/her missing words or phrases - or simply to try to avoid people who stutter altogether.

It is important to remember that a person who stutters is interested in communicating just like everybody else, and would like to be treated just like any other person. Focus should be on the theme of the speaker, the information he/she is conveying, rather than how it is coming across.

A stutterer is only too aware of what his/her speech is like and that it can take longer to utter phrases. In fact, this awareness can sometimes make the stuttering worse. The stress of knowing that it takes longer to say something may make the stutterer try to speed up, which often makes things worse. It is important that the listener gives out a feeling (vibes) of patience, calm and peace. An impatient listener, or a listener who seems impatient, may make it harder for a stutterer to speak. Attempting to fill in the gaps (saying the missing words) is often an attempt to help out, but can come over to the stutterer as impatience.

Telling the stutterer to relax, or to take a deep breath, may have helpful intentions, but could stress the stutterer more (it may help some, though). Stuttering is not simple to overcome, and cannot usually be easily sorted out with a few deep breaths.

If you are really not sure how to behave, and you are talking to a person who stutters and nobody else is around, it may be helpful to ask them what would be the most best way to respond to his/her stuttering.

Put simply - focus on the content of the speaker's message, not how it is being delivered. Emit a sensation (vibes) of matter-of-fact patience, calm and peace.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

How to Get a Man to Chase You

Let him know you are interested if you want a man to chase you.

The dating game is filled with opportunities to play both the role of the hunter and the hunted. While many people enjoy the thrill of chasing down prey, it's often more desirable to be the one being chased. Learning to attract and keep a man's attention is the key to getting a man to chase you.


Let him know you're interested. Men love confident, outspoken women. Use this to your advantage as you make your desires known. Putting him on notice will help put you in the forefront of his thoughts and imagination. Whether verbal or nonverbal communication is your method, make sure your actions are unmistakable without compromising your integrity or good judgment. Simple gestures like smiles or nice notes can work to put a smile on his face and make room in his heart. Avoid degrading yourself for the sake of attention.

    • Give him a sneak peek. This doesn't have to apply to your clothing. Show him how you could change his current situation for the better. Shower him with compliments or praise when he's feeling low about his job. Reassure him that you'll be there for him even when it seems like no one else will. Although you may not plan on being there for him in any major capacity, it's important that he places you on a pedestal. Once you've reached this elevated status, it will be easier to manipulate his feelings. 
    • Offer desirable bait. While men may enjoy the hunt, they only invest time into chasing after worthy prizes. Make sure you're physically and emotionally well put together at all times. Although supermodel good looks and genius level mental capabilities aren't required, you do need to be extremely attractive in his eyes. Remember, there's a big difference between getting a man to like and you and getting one to chase after you. Being chase-worthy means being worth the sweat and energy spent trying to obtain you.

    • Keep him guessing. Men enjoy the unpredictable nature of desirable women. Since life is often regimented, make him feel that he can use you for an escape. No conversation or action you make should be the same as previous interactions. Bake him a pecan pie for no special reason to add fuel to his growing passion for you. Invite him to a football game one week and the symphony the next to show you're versatile and can readily adapt to any given situation.

    • Stay a few steps ahead of him at all times. Never let him catch up to your pace. The goal is to have him chase you; not let him catch you. Although you're ahead of him, it's important that he thinks he has a chance of "winning" you and your affections. He should always be able to see where you're going without the ability to control your direction. This will provide a great chase for both participants.

do you suffer from bad luck?

  • Stop believing that what happens in your life is down to the vagaries of luck, destiny, supernatural forces, malevolent other people, or anything else outside your self.

    Psychologists call this “external locus of control.” It’s a kind of fatalism, where people believe that they can do little or nothing personally to change their lives. Because of this, they either merely hope for the best, focus on trying to change their luck by various kinds of superstition, or submit passively to whatever comes—while complaining that it doesn’t match their hopes. Most successful people take the opposite view. They have “internal locus of control.” They believe that what happens in their life is nearly all down to them; and that even when chance events occur, what is important is not the event itself, but how you respond to it.
    This makes them pro-active, engaged, ready to try new things, and keen to find the means to change whatever in their lives they don’t like. They aren’t fatalistic and they don’t blame bad luck for what isn’t right in their world. They look for a way to make things better.
    Are they luckier than the others? Of course not. Luck is random—that’s what chance means—so they are just as likely to suffer setbacks as anyone else. What’s different is their response. When things go wrong, they quickly look for ways to put them right. They don’t whine, pity themselves, or complain about “bad luck.” They try to learn from what happened to avoid or correct it next time and get on with living their life as best they can.
    No one is habitually luckier or unluckier than anyone else. It may seem so, over the short term (Random events often come in groups, just as random numbers often lie close together for several instances—which is why gamblers tend to see patterns where none exist). When you take a longer perspective, random chance is just . . . random. Yet those who feel that they are less lucky, typically pay far more attention to short-term instances of bad luck, convincing themselves of the correctness of their belief.
    Your locus of control isn’t genetic. You learned it somehow. If it isn’t working for you, change it.
  • Remember that whatever you pay attention to grows in your mind. If you focus on what’s going wrong in your life—especially if you see it as “bad luck” you can do nothing about—it will seem blacker and more malevolent. In a short time, you’ll become so convinced that everything is against you that you’ll notice more and more instances where this appears to be true. As a result, you will almost certainly stop trying, convinced that nothing you can do will improve your prospects.
    Fatalism feeds on itself, until people become passive “victims” of life’s blows. The “losers” in life are those who are convinced they will fail before they start anything; sure that their “bad luck” will ruin any prospects of success. They rarely notice that the true reasons for their failure are ignorance, laziness, lack of skill, lack of forethought, or just plain foolishness—all of which they could do something to correct, if only they would stop blaming other people or “bad luck” for their personal deficiencies.
    Your attention is under your control. Send it where you want it to go. Starve the negative thoughts until they die.
To improve your fortune, first decide that what happens is nearly always down to you; then try focusing on what works and what turns out well, not the bad stuff. Your “fate” really does depend on the choices that you make. When random events happen, as they always will, do you choose to try to turn them to your advantage . . . or just complain about them?
Thomas Jefferson is said to have used these words: “I’m a great believer in luck and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.” Ralph Waldo Emerson said: “Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect.”
Your luck, in the end, is pretty much what you choose it to be.